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Bron: monsterboard.nl, 2012-01-27 08:49:49
Graag wil de redactie dit artikel van crm-daily.com met je delen
“Coming off a great 2011, with a 25 percent jump in software revenue, SAP is ready to set the bar even higher for the year ahead. The German-based enterprise-software maker plans to focus aggressively in the database and cloud computing market for business users, competing head on with Oracle. “
Graag wil de redactie dit artikel van crm-daily.com met je delen
“Google on Tuesday said it will begin tracking people as they use Google search and Gmail, watch YouTube videos and use other Google services — at their computers and on their mobile devices. That announcement came hours after Facebook said it will make Timeline and Open Graph part of the default user interface. These new services chronologically assemble and make more easily accessible the preferences, acquaintances and activities of its 800 million members. “
Lees hier het meest recente artikel van crm-daily.com.
“Want to earn stuff by watching TV? A free app for that [debuted] Wednesday. When you tap the screen, Viggle’s software for iPhones and iPads listens to what’s on, recognizes what you’re watching and gives you credit at roughly two points per minute. “
Met de aanschaf en inrichting van een CRM systeem wordt de implementatie van de CRM strategie ondersteund. Nu nog de klantgerichte werkwijze handhaven en versterken. Zeker in de laatste fase als het project wordt overgedragen aan de lijnorganisatie.