Lees hier het meest recente artikel van crm-daily.com.
“A cloud-based intranet with enterprise social networking. That’s the idea behind a new offering that Salesforce.com plans to launch later this year”
Lees hier het meest recente artikel van crm-daily.com.
“A cloud-based intranet with enterprise social networking. That’s the idea behind a new offering that Salesforce.com plans to launch later this year”
Lees hier het meest recente artikel van crm-daily.com.
“What do you get when you mix location intelligence with CRM? “
Lees hier het meest recente artikel van crm-daily.com.
“There’s a disconnect on the enterprise social networking front. Nearly half of employees report that social tools at work help increase their productivity — but more than 30 percent of companies underestimate the value of these tools and sometimes even restrict their use”
Graag wil de redactie dit artikel van crm-daily.com met je delen
“Having become synonymous with one-click purchasing, Amazon is now extending its sign-on identity. “